conformity and the LDS intellectual cartels

 From the WSJ:

“Conformity,” Mr. Ridley says, “is the enemy of scientific progress, which depends on disagreement and challenge. Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts, as [the physicist Richard] Feynman put it.” 

Mr. Ridley reserves his bluntest criticism for “science as a profession,” which he says has become “rather off-puttingly arrogant and political, permeated by motivated reasoning and confirmation bias.” Increasing numbers of scientists “seem to fall prey to groupthink, and the process of peer-reviewing and publishing allows dogmatic gate-keeping to get in the way of new ideas and open-minded challenge.”

In Mr. Ridley’s view, the scientific establishment has always had a tendency “to turn into a church, enforcing obedience to the latest dogma and expelling heretics and blasphemers.” This tendency was previously kept in check by the fragmented nature of the scientific enterprise: Prof. A at one university built his career by saying that Prof. B’s ideas somewhere else were wrong. In the age of social media, however, “the space for heterodoxy is evaporating.” So those who believe in science as philosophy are increasingly estranged from science as an institution.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

2 thoughts on “conformity and the LDS intellectual cartels

  1. Einstein once said, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” This narrative can be seen in every sector of society (politics, religion, science, medicine, sports, judicial, law enforcement, social media, etc.). In many cases clueless lemmings blindly follow the crowd without any investigation or condemnation.

    I like what President Nelson said in the April 2021 conference when he was talking about building faith. “Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life, even though your personal challenges may loom as large as Mount Everest. Your mountains may be loneliness, doubt, illness, or other personal problems. Your mountains will vary, and yet the answer to each of your challenges is to increase your faith. That takes work. Lazy learners and lax disciples will always struggle to muster even a particle of faith.”

    Too many in the church don’t take the time to study real church history (lazy learners) and rely on the scholars. Lazy learners are easily convinced of the bogus seer stone in a hat narrative or the Mesoamerican Model of Book of Mormon Geography.

  2. As a Copy Editor in the 90’s, I ran across an editorial in Nature Magazine exposing this corruption.
    The Editor in Chief was warning the science community of the government takeover of science. He outlined how all science is that funded by grants will be withdrawn if the researchers don’t tow the line and independent research marginalized. Before the emgargoed was released, he was immediately replaced. Same time as Marcia Angell, MD., at the New England Journal of Medicine, got released and her editorial deleted for exposing conflicts of interest (big pharma) and the dangers to society. (I unknowingly had to do that one).
    The corruption of science has been overtly demonstrated for 25 years now and there’s no telling how far this has gone. Oh, that was just shortly after the X haplo group discovered in the Hopewell Indians, which also has been dismissed, btw.

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