Suggestions for Church curriculum – structure of the Book of Mormon

Church curriculum is awesome, well adapted for various age groups and interests.

There’s a graphic on this page that depicts the common understanding of the structure of the Book of Mormon and how it was translated:

Here is the graphic:

The graphic has these problems:
1. It doesn’t explain where the source plates were; i.e., in Mormon’s depository in the Hill Cumorah (Mormon 6:6).
2. It suggests that somehow the “small plates” were inserted into the abridgment. This explanation has never made sense because (i) the Title Page, on the last leaf of the plates Joseph got from Moroni’s stone box, does not mention any original plates; (ii) Joseph translated all of the plates in Harmony, including the Title Page on the last leaf; (iii) when he got to the end of this set of plates, Joseph wondered if he should retranslate from the beginning to replace the lost 116 pages; (iv) in D&C 10, the Lord told Joseph he’d have to translate the plates of Nephi, but he didn’t have the plates of Nephi when he was in Harmony.
3. The diagram doesn’t show how Joseph got the plates of Nephi directly from the depository in the Hill Cumorah after he moved to Fayette, NY. He didn’t get them from Moroni’s stone box.
I suggest replacing that graphic with this one which more clearly explains what plates Joseph translated and where.  

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus